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!align=left  |Citation
'''Ryals, J, Hsu, RY, Lipsett, MN and Bremer, H'''  (1982) Isolation of single-site Escherichia coli mutants deficient in thiamine and 4-thiouridine syntheses: identification of a nuvC mutant.''J. Bacteriol.'' '''151''':899-904
!align=left  |Abstract
A method is described to rapidly select and classify many independent near-UV irradiation-resistant Escherichia coli mutants, which include tRNA modification and RNA synthesis control mutants. One class of these mutants was found to be simultaneously deficient in thiamine biosynthesis and in the ability to modify uridine in tRNA to 4-thiouridine, known to be the target for near-UV irradiation. These mutants were found to be unable to make thiazole, a thiamine precursor. The addition of thiazole restores the thiamine deficiency but does not render the cells near-UV irradiation sensitive. In vitro studies on one of these mutants indicated a deficiency in protein factor C (nuvC), required for the 4-thiouridine modification of tRNA. In P1 transduction, the thiazole marker cotransduced with the histidine marker, which places the thiazole marker between 42 and 46 min on the E. coli chromosome map. Both thiamine production and 4-thiouridine production were resumed by 87% of the spontaneous reversions, suggesting a single-point mutation. Our results indicate that we have isolated nuvC mutants and that the nuvC polypeptide is involved in two functions, tRNA modification and thiazole biosynthesis.
!align=left  |Links
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=6178725 PubMed]
!align=left  |Keywords
Chromosome Mapping; Chromosomes, Bacterial; Escherichia coli; Genes, Bacterial; Mutation; RNA, Bacterial; RNA, Transfer; Thiamine; Thiazoles; Thiouridine; Ultraviolet Rays
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==Main Points of the Paper ==
== Materials and Methods Used ==
==Phenotype Annotations==
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Revision as of 10:43, 2 March 2012


Ryals, J, Hsu, RY, Lipsett, MN and Bremer, H (1982) Isolation of single-site Escherichia coli mutants deficient in thiamine and 4-thiouridine syntheses: identification of a nuvC mutant.J. Bacteriol. 151:899-904


A method is described to rapidly select and classify many independent near-UV irradiation-resistant Escherichia coli mutants, which include tRNA modification and RNA synthesis control mutants. One class of these mutants was found to be simultaneously deficient in thiamine biosynthesis and in the ability to modify uridine in tRNA to 4-thiouridine, known to be the target for near-UV irradiation. These mutants were found to be unable to make thiazole, a thiamine precursor. The addition of thiazole restores the thiamine deficiency but does not render the cells near-UV irradiation sensitive. In vitro studies on one of these mutants indicated a deficiency in protein factor C (nuvC), required for the 4-thiouridine modification of tRNA. In P1 transduction, the thiazole marker cotransduced with the histidine marker, which places the thiazole marker between 42 and 46 min on the E. coli chromosome map. Both thiamine production and 4-thiouridine production were resumed by 87% of the spontaneous reversions, suggesting a single-point mutation. Our results indicate that we have isolated nuvC mutants and that the nuvC polypeptide is involved in two functions, tRNA modification and thiazole biosynthesis.




Chromosome Mapping; Chromosomes, Bacterial; Escherichia coli; Genes, Bacterial; Mutation; RNA, Bacterial; RNA, Transfer; Thiamine; Thiazoles; Thiouridine; Ultraviolet Rays

Main Points of the Paper

Please summarize the main points of the paper.

Materials and Methods Used

Please list the materials and methods used in this paper (strains, plasmids, antibodies, etc).

Phenotype Annotations

See Help:AnnotationTable for details on how to edit this table.

Phenotype of Taxon Information Genotype Information (if known) Condition Information OMP ID OMP Term Name ECO ID ECO Term Name Notes Status



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